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Mechanical UTB
University Tech Bytes
Mech UTB02 - Demonstration of a Plummer Block using a CAD Tool
Gokul Raj M
UTB35 - Part-1: ASIC Design and Verification of FIFO (First In-First Out) using Cadence EDA Tools (RTL-to-Netlist)
Ashwini H, Pooja C
Mech UTB01 - Introduction to Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Gokul Raj M
UTB34(b) - Part-2: ASIC Physical Design and Verification (Netlist-to-GDSII) of a Mod-N(Mod-10) Counter
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju, Ashwini H
UTB34(a) - Part-1: ASIC Front-end Design and Verification (RTL-to-Netlist) of a Mod-N(Mod-10) Counter using Cadence EDA Tools
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju
UTB33(b) - Part-2: ASIC Physical Design and Implemetation of SPI Protocol (Netlist-to-GDSII)
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju
UTB33(a) - Part 1: ASIC Design and Verification of SPI Communication Protocol using Cadence EDA Tools (RTL-to-Netlist)
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju
UTB32 - Design & Implementation of 1-Bit Full Adder using Cadence Tools
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju
UTB31 (b) - Part-2: Physical Design and Verification of PWM Generator (Netlist-to-GDSII)
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju
UTB31 (a) - Part-1: ASIC Design and Verification of PWM Generator (RTL-to-Netlist)
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju, Ashwini H
Study of NMOS and PMOS characteristics and Characterization using Cadence EDA Tools
Shivaprasad B K
UTB30 - Design & Implementation Of Two Input CMOS NOR Gate using Cadence EDA Tools
Shivaprasad B K
UTB29 Part-2: Back-end ASIC Implementation of Chip-Level MAC Unit (Netlist-to-GDSII)
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju, Ashwini H
UTB29 Part:1 -ASIC Design and Verification of MAC Unit (RTL-to-Netlist)
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju, Ashwini H
UTB28 - Implementation of Analog to Digital converter using cadence EDA Tool
UTB27 - Part 2: ASIC Back-end Implementation of Chip-Level MIPS Processor
Dr Mamidi Nagaraju
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